Sadly, the next morning I woke up in a random grump - possibly a reaction to the sad fact that we're leaving Bali tomorrow afternoon. I keep reminding myself we still have 5 days of stuff in Hong Kong before finally going home, including the Cirque de Soleil, but still, there's a feeling of things closing/winding down.
Or maybe it was just the inevitable contrast with the night before.
We went to check out the beach and I was annoyed by the fact of having to pay to sit on some sun loungers, even though that is the way it works, and they were nice and comfy. Then I was annoyed by the waves going up under the sun lounger - I had to move it back, into the sun, away from the shade. Luckily the tide was going out, so this situation didn't last long.
The grump wasn't helped by the fact that the Small History of the World (or whatever it is) that I'm reading is aimed at children and written in that 50s? 'writing for children' style that feels very patronising. It's not just that it's aimed at children, it's the writing style - talking to you saying 'Now, you may be asking me, when did this happen....' etc. Interesting stuff, but The Grump was not impressed.
It was also not impressed by the many many people who kept coming by trying to sell me things while I attempted to read my patronising book. I retreated into 'pretending to be asleep' until, eventually, they generally got the picture.
We had lunch again at the restaurant where Jackie works - and I had another chicken caesar baguette which was, again, delicious. Still grumpy.
I had a nice long bath.
The Grump is receding.
Luckily Zoe is a very patient person.
Or maybe it was just the inevitable contrast with the night before.
We went to check out the beach and I was annoyed by the fact of having to pay to sit on some sun loungers, even though that is the way it works, and they were nice and comfy. Then I was annoyed by the waves going up under the sun lounger - I had to move it back, into the sun, away from the shade. Luckily the tide was going out, so this situation didn't last long.
The grump wasn't helped by the fact that the Small History of the World (or whatever it is) that I'm reading is aimed at children and written in that 50s? 'writing for children' style that feels very patronising. It's not just that it's aimed at children, it's the writing style - talking to you saying 'Now, you may be asking me, when did this happen....' etc. Interesting stuff, but The Grump was not impressed.
It was also not impressed by the many many people who kept coming by trying to sell me things while I attempted to read my patronising book. I retreated into 'pretending to be asleep' until, eventually, they generally got the picture.
We had lunch again at the restaurant where Jackie works - and I had another chicken caesar baguette which was, again, delicious. Still grumpy.
I had a nice long bath.
The Grump is receding.
Luckily Zoe is a very patient person.