I made this for (and with) Addya, last year. Much much puppety fun! Watch it!! vimeo.com/295034292https://vimeo.com/295034292
WordUp Addis 2017
I went again to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in January 2017, with my friend Jo, to work with the homeless 'Tiger Kids' again. I haven't finished editing their news programme, and the second documentary yet, but the filmmaking, English, and copper-bracelet making (thanks Jo!!) went brilliantly. Love those kids so much!
CMFF Academy
My friend Lucy and I ran a company called Creative Minds and Future Films Academy. Lucy taught singing, acting, and dance. I taught filmmaking and creative writing. We made props and sets out of cardboard and whatever else we could get hold of.
It was a start to finish performing arts academy for all ages, and we had some amazing students! We've gone different ways for now, but one day we might resurrect CMFF.
One thing we did for it, was our students made adverts for local TV company Mustard TV. We also worked with Angel Road Infant and Junior Schools, and one of their projects was a 'Thriller' film - written by them, props by them, filmed mainly by them. Here's one of the adverts, and 'Thriller':
WordUp Addis 2015
In 2015 I went to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, with my friend Cathy. She goes there every year and helps homeless street children - giving them food, teaching them English, doing arts and crafts, and just generally showing them love. www.wordupaddis.com/
I joined her in 2015 and did some filmmaking with the kids (and taught some English). Below are the film the kids made (they call themselves the Tiger Kids), and a documentary I made about the experience.
BUILD Animations
The final editing of these films needs to be done. BUT what these are is animations made, photographed and (some of them) SFXd by the members of BUILD, a charity that works with adults and young adults with learning difficulties and disabilities in Norfolk. Such an amazingly fun project. I miss volunteering there!
In fact, if you've got some spare time, here's a link to their website - come volunteer there!!! www.buildnorwich.org.uk/
I Am Me
When I worked for Age UK in 2015 I ran an intergenerational project. The idea was to share experiences - find out the similarities and differences between different age groups...and make a film about this.
The Tipping Point
My mate Robin (who makes music for TV and the like) came to me with a first draft of a script. I redrafted it, then we spent about six months redrafting it together. Then, in September, we filmed it. (Well he did. I ran around excitedly.)
To watch our first film (so please be nice!) go to: http://vimeo.com/54719218 NB it is about half an hour long. (It's set in WWII, on the D-Day Landings. There's an American Paratrooper and a German deserter. That's all I'm saying for now.)
(Oh, the picture is Hattie, our makeup artist, practicing fake bullet wounds on me.)
TNG 'The Catherine Wheel' Film
In 2010 I spent a few months working with a group of young adults who had been unemployed for long enough to qualify for an employment scheme with TNG. The aim was to make a film for the BBC Norfolk Film Festival. Together we decided on the topic - we chose the local 'gay' bar The Catherine Wheel, then we planned and executed the project.
We filmed general visuals of the pub and its immediate area, and did interviews with the pub owners and some of its patrons. Then there was the editing....
Some of the members of the team were particularly enthusiastic, and went way beyond the call of duty, particularly in terms of the editing of the film, which is always a slog. (Thank you!)
Interface Learning Film (now called New Routes)
After having worked with some young adults who were on an employment scheme (with TNG) I managed to persuade a couple of them to help me make this film, for another charity I volunteer for. Legends!
New Routes is a charity which works with refugees and asylum seekers in Norwich.
If you like the music, my friend Sam Hill watched the film once then improvised it on his mandolin as we played the film again. (For more of his music go to: http://www.myspace.com/samjameshillmusic.)