This hotel - La Dolce Villa - has a Dolce Villa yellow rubber duck in the shower. Amazing! Also a really nice place.
Read (and Jess played) at Tazza's cafe this evening. People talked all the way through pretty much everything, although Jess got more than just the polite level of applause. I felt a bit like my story wouldn't work with people not listening (read When Harry Met Sally again) but at the same time I felt better than when people listen out of politeness because then I feel like I'm importuning them a lot more, and it's not that short a story. But a couple of people (two older guys - I think probably because of the theme) came up to me afterwards (maybe also due to feeling guilty) and said that they liked it. So that's good :)
Hmm, what else. There appears to be a Merlin marathon on TV tonight.
Read (and Jess played) at Tazza's cafe this evening. People talked all the way through pretty much everything, although Jess got more than just the polite level of applause. I felt a bit like my story wouldn't work with people not listening (read When Harry Met Sally again) but at the same time I felt better than when people listen out of politeness because then I feel like I'm importuning them a lot more, and it's not that short a story. But a couple of people (two older guys - I think probably because of the theme) came up to me afterwards (maybe also due to feeling guilty) and said that they liked it. So that's good :)
Hmm, what else. There appears to be a Merlin marathon on TV tonight.